Joana Vasconcelos has become one the most respected and sought-after artists of the 21st century. Her forte is using non-traditional materials, and particularly textiles, to create monumental and expansive works that intrigue, inspire and entertain the viewer. She first rose to acclaim when her chandelier decorated with tampons was exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 2005, and has since had solo exhibitions at Versailles and Manchester Art Gallery. This book focuses on her extraordinary works in textiles, and highlights in particular her Valkyries series, vibrant patchwork extravaganzas that weave together knitting and crochet with silk, velvets, recycled clothes and industrially produced textiles embellished with Portuguese tassels, crystals and beads.
Artist: Joana Vasconcelos
Publisher: Albion Barn, Thames & Hudson, Phillips
Year: 2015
Pages: 336
ISBN-10 500970726
ISBN-13 9780500970720